Microsoft Azure, is a secure cloud computing platform from Microsoft and has quickly gained acceptance amongst thousands of businesses right from small to Enterprize level verticals. Azure is a flexible cloud platform that companies can use to quickly build, deploy, and manage applications across a global network of Microsoft-managed data centers. With Microsoft Azure, customers can reduce IT expenditure by eliminating infrastructure purchase and maintenance costs, easily scale apps up or out as needed. And with subscription pricing, you pay only for what you are using.
Scalability with Availability: Azure can quickly scale up or down to match demand while maintaining a 99.95% uptime.
Security: Mitigate your risk with Cloud applications. The Azure infrastructure implements a number of technologies and processes to keep customer data secure through encrypted communications, as well as threat management and mitigation practices. The Azure security, privacy, and compliance standards meet, and usually exceed, existing on-premises or data center IT environments. With the Microsoft Azure solution, you get the most advanced enterprise-class security capabilities available.
Business Agility: Applications built in Azure are “evergreen” meaning you are always on the latest version. Your entire company will be on the same version, so you won’t have to deal with compatibility issues. The future upgrade path is much easier, because you are not trying to upgrade from very old versions. And your data analytics move much faster in Azure, with virtually unlimited computing power, and they don’t drag down your existing infrastructure.
Open and Flexible: Because Microsoft Azure is an open and flexible platform, it is device agnostic, and can be accessed from virtually any device, including Windows, Android, and iOS. Customers can use preferred languages, tools, or frameworks, including Windows Server or Linux. Choose from different databases such as SQL Database, Oracle, or MongoDB, or use content management systems like Wordpress, Joomla, or Drupal.
Time to Market: Microsoft Azure will help to get your app up and running faster. With no need to wait on IT to provision hardware, resources are available immediately to be effective right away. With access to powerful capabilities in the cloud, organizations can quickly deliver improved functionality for users and extend existing applications with ready-to-use services.
Recent updates: Microsoft Azure was launched in Oct 2013 and has continued to improve and adapt to suit businesses of all types and sizes.
Synergy IT Solutions offer complete support on Microsoft Azure right from initial consultation on Cloud backup solutions to provisioning, managing, and maintaining their environment. Enhance business continuity with improved back-up, recovery, and redundancy capabilities with the Microsoft Azure platform.
Microsoft Azure an ideal choice for Server Backup
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