It seems since the past few iterations of Microsoft Office Suite, people just love to hate it. From complaining about its clunky interface to a few bugs found in the software, people always seem like their tired of using what is the most popular suite of products to come from Microsoft. Ironically, Office has also become a very important companion to Windows as it comforts people when they upgrade to a new OS. The jump to a new version of Windows is a daunting task, especially in a work place environment and for people who aren’t very good with computers to begin with ( generally speaking these people are an older crowd that didn’t necessarily grow up using computers like today’s generations) .
This is where Microsoft’s Office comes in, people rely on this product because its the standard go-to suite for word processing, spreadsheet, and email. When a new version of Windows comes out, so does a new version of Office ready to be released along side Microsoft’s Flagship OS. This comforts people as though they may be in an unfamiliar and very new OS, Office always remains very familiar and people can easily pick-up where they left off before the upgrade.
Office 2013 is no exception to this observation as it too remains true to its roots, but at the same time is making very significant improvements that will hopefully stop people from hating on the very product that grounds them to Microsoft’s newest operating systems. These improvements are varied through its suite of products, and range from a new interface- a look that better integrates Office with Windows 8’s style, to an abundant supply of additional feature and tweaks to make the entire program that much more fluid and powerful.
As office 2013 was announced yesterday Steve Balmer stated that ” We feel a lot like its 1995″ , windows wasn’t good until it hit version 4.0, and that’s when it changed its name to Windows 1995. Microsoft themselves believe that this is the biggest change in its product line since 1995, and this means Office 2013 has to live up to the hype.
If you want to try out the new Office Suite its available for preview right now at . Not all of the Office apps are’e ready for preview just yet as they have a long way to go before its official release. We also haven’t combed through all of the new features and enhancements that Microsoft has added to Office 2013, but what you can expect, aside from the fresh coat of paint, is better integration with Microsoft’s Office 365 and Office Web Apps, as well as better collaboration with Office apps themselves. Be sure to follow up on our coverage of Office 2013 as we will have additional content on the new suite in the next couple days.
Microsoft Office 2013
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